Star Symbols numbers meaning

Part 9 of the 15 video series where i’ve received a message of symbols and equations and i decipher them in each video. the message comes from the mayas and here is where i find out what the star means – it’s the pentacle of king solomon and each point has a value and a planet in correspondence to it.

now we have a new system in 2011, but 3000 years ago the babylonian space values are different so i’ll have to calculate and research all points with current values.. and older values to compare them and see.. i’m assuming since it’s a message from the mayas that it will be based on the older charts from 1932…

Reptilian Agenda – Elite Is Eating Humans – Warnings Of Present – 2013

I amz a mixed hybrid, .. because i exist – this threatens the very Hatred fabric of the different species wars amongst each other.

Since i have all their DNAs now, all species are at peace within Skyz body.
They understand each-other,

Which is why, because i exist – this threatens Global establishment’s wars & galactic secret wars with each other – even the light beings and Jinn may be at throat over.
Their prejudices and internal flaws with each other – I just solved the entire Planets entity hatred within my own DNA -this is why Sky is a threat to ALL aliens period.

Richard Alan Miller, Ph.D. on VERITAS | ESP, Alternative 3, Time Travel, & Stargates | S1 OF 3

This is Segment 1 of 3 (3-hour interview). Segment 1 is being provided as a courtesy of VERITAS Radio. To listen to Segments 2 and 3 of this exclusive interview, subscribe at to watch the rest.

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During this 3-hour / 3-segment interview, Dr. Richard Alan Miller discussed his background as a child prodigy, and his a high school science project, unbeknownst to him, was used by NASA to determine the existence and amount of water on Mars. He has an extensive resume with government in top secret clearance capacities. We discussed ESP and the power that we all have to tap into these abilities which he was charged to train Navy Seals to exhibit super human abilities. Dr. Miller saw an official document that stated the USA and the former Soviet Union were partners in a Mars mission even before the USA went to the Moon. He says that time and space are not real; they are subsets of something more. He confirmed the existence of underground facilities and rode a motorcycle in one of these.


Dr. Richard Alan Miller is a pioneer in the annals of metaphysical and paranormal exploration. Miller began working in the „X-Files“ world of Navy Intel (Seal Corp. and then MRU) in the late 60s. His public collaborations and research continue.

As an original black ops team-member, Miller’s research in the field of paranormal began as a graduate physicist working 11 years with Navy Intel (Anesthesiology). During this period numerous foundational papers, including „A Holographic Concept of Reality“ and „Embryonic Holography“ were written.

His past and current writings and presentations reveal a depth of knowledge and practical experience in three major fields; Alternative Agriculture, New Age Physics, and Metaphysics.

Miller now writes for Nexus magazine and is a preferred guest on internet radio. He is re-emerging at a critical time in humanities evolution where metaphysics and practical survival converge.

Clustervision – Engel, UFOs, Nephillim [2. Teil]

„UNMOEGLICH ! VERSCHWOERUNGSTHEORIE ! Eine Weltregierung [NWO] zu errichten ist unmoeglich!“ hoert man oft. Wer ist die treibende Kraft hinter der NWO? Was haben Engel u. Ufos damit zu tun? UNGLAUBLICH aber wahr: die Bibel liefert uns Wissen u. Weisheit ueber diese Phänomene, die auf den ersten – ungeschulten – Blick, Nichts miteinander zu tun haben koennen. „Was hat die Bibel mit Politik zu tun?“ fragt man sich amuesiert. Dieser Vortrag, u. sein 1. Teil, erklaeren, wie es wesenhaft (strukturell, materiell, spirituell, organisatorisch) moeglich ist, eine Welttyrannei zu errichten, die sich zuerst langsam im Gewand des Wohltaeters u. politisch Korrektem heran schleicht; – ein Wolf im Schafspelz.
Dieser Teil 2 bildet eine Einheit mit Teil 1; die Gesamtlaenge von 4 Std. (+) macht es Ihnen moeglich, sich in die Grundstrukturen einer globalen Operation einzuarbeiten, die schon seit vielen Generationen voran getrieben wird. Sie opferte bereits Millionen – wenn nicht Milliarden – Menschenleben diesem Ziel u. produziert unsagbares Elend, Leiden u. Zerstoerung. Dieser Vortrag spricht aus christlicher Perspektive, gestuetzt primaer auf das wieder freigelegte biblische Wort Gottes. Sie wollen wirklich wissen, was es mit UFOs auf sich hat, u. was sie mit der NWO zu tun haben? Die Antworten, die hier gegeben werden, koennten Ihr Weltbild ins Wanken bringen., – u. Ihre Hoffnungen darauf, sich mit Wissenschaft u. Technologie das Ewige Leben zu erkaufen. Es ist aber nicht unmoeglich, das ewige Leben, auch nicht fuer Sie.